Wednesday, April 15, 2015

The way we live

Some lies are not lies
And the same is true for some truths.
Some thoughts are thoughts you don't own
And these things,  sometimes, you never know.  

Tuesday, April 14, 2015

Dear Papa

It did not feel right to cry. To mourn your death.
It did not feel right, but the tears still came.
I wasn't around, it did not feel right
Not after you asked her to leave

It did not feel fair, dear Papa, to be by your side
To feel your pain and ignore hers, like everyone.
I chose her, while you died.

The night you left, there was nothing to feel.
Just a need to hold you close. To tell you I love you.
Both things I'd never been able to do, not when you were alive.

And today, when I mourn you, Papa,
More than a thousand days after you left
I know you loved me.
And I hope you knew I loved you.

Thursday, April 9, 2015

One Step Closer.

You try, and you keep trying. 
You work hard, you sacrifice.
You walk on hot sand 
Sleep under the naked sky
You do it the right way, 
You do it the broken way. 
You do it the way you know you should.
And when you reach there... 
Where there's hope to find You
You find you're lost again.