Wednesday, August 28, 2013


It was during the monsoons
Those nights they spent talking
Like the world had just two people
Two pieces that fit too well
That shared stories, secrets, songs and sorrows
That fell in love when they shouldn't have

It was all real, all true
And it was all unacceptable
Too young and too old to be together
They were pieces born years apart
Two pieces that should not fit
Lovers that should not be

And so they walked two different paths
But they kept those promises
Together, to grow apart
Forbidden as their love was
There was little else to lose
Much to remember, during monsoons.

Saturday, August 10, 2013


Night tides in love
Rise up, fall down, give up not
While the moon waits long

The oceans hold back
Tides from kissing the moon
So the Earth lives on

Written and composed for Haiku Heights, Prompt word: Ocean
While the tidal force is purely scientific, it can be viewed romantically by poetic, or even ignorant minds:)

Friday, August 9, 2013


Mix the poison
Into the ocean
It will reach home one day.

Written for prompt word OCEAN given by Haiku Heights, this haiku bluntly talks about the way industrial waste is thoughtlessly dumped in our water bodies and is a reminder that this water will come back to us over time.

Thursday, August 8, 2013

Bitter Truth

Stepping off the train
Absorbing chaotic life
Dreamy eyed, she smiled.

Through the rushing crowds
That did not look at faces
Unseen, she walked by

This grass looked greener
Across her sub-urban fence
To feel it, she came

But it had no dew
Perfect fake grass with no bugs
Her first 'bitter truth'

The plastic green blades
On land that was barren
Spoke about its people

Those painted faces
With unhappy eyes
Spread like cancer in time

Seasons changed 
But the fruits remained the same
...Hard to find sour grapes

The rains came and went
But the glorious rat race
Seemed to have no end 

Beautiful city
With it's opportunities
Could not hold her back

Bag in hand, she walked
Amidst chaotic crowds
To find what she had lost

Extruding the pain
She stepped into the train
That took her back home

In still waters, She
Looked back into her eyes
To find scars and lies

And then a tear drop
Washed off the grime,
Unveiling a wee ray of joy.

Written And Compiled for Haiku Heights. Prompt word: Urban
I hope to have achieved the aim of making each Haiku stand independently while still contributing to the compilation as a whole. Hope you enjoy it!

Friday, August 2, 2013



From the beach's womb
Little turtle as you leave
Come back one day too.

Written for Haiku Heights
Prompt Word: Beach


Washed ashore by sea
Message came in bottled green
'Thanks for freeing ME'

Written for Haiku Heights
Prompt Word: Beach