Thursday, July 19, 2012


As Death approaches
I fear it less
I’m ready for it
I have few regrets.

I even fantasize it,
How will it be?
Will it grip my heart
Or will it make me bleed?

Will I die in my dream
Or in the middle of a road,
Will I die a virgin
Or leave a bawling child alone?

Will I make my folks smile
By being a traditional, well-cultured house-wife
Or will I run away, deep sea-dive
Rebel and suffice till my demise.

Though not the moon
I could’ve surely reached the skies
Had I obeyed my heart
And not their ‘well-meant’ advice

Bored of the pricking needles
That put me to rest,
As death approaches,
I feel it less

Left with no fantasies,
I’m ready for that last breath
Its prediction on a hospital bed
Being my only regret!

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