Monday, October 13, 2014

Pick a Subject, Get a Poem.

Abigail Mott
It was a romantic evening. Dressed in a red coat to keep myself warm, I was walking down the streets of LoDo in Denver, with my husband. We had just wrapped up a great Italian dinner and were in an untimely holiday mood. The live music in some parts of LoDo, the festive lighting, cold winds and the energy on the street had collectively made the whole evening very 'fairy-talish,' right out of a 'happily-ever-after' love story.

Laughing after we crossed the street and considered (and later dismissed) entering Lannies Clocktower Cabaret, we came across a sign on the sidewalk. It read 'Pick a Subject, Get a Poem.' Above the sign, was a folding table, a typewriter and a young woman sitting by it. Getting a personal poem on this beautiful evening seemed like a dream. I couldn't believe that this was a serious, real offer. We approached the table to confirm, and asked the woman (Abigail Mott, as I got to know later) if we could choose ANY subject. She said 'Yes, pick a subject.'

Maybe it was the autumn. Maybe it was my red coat. Maybe it was the drive with views of the Aspen laden valleys of Colorado. Maybe it was just my excitement and impatience. I chose the subject 'Leaves.'

'Leaves' By Abigail Mott

As she typed in the subject, Abigail requested - 'One rule is that you can't read the poem as I type in.' I was happy to move a few steps back and give her her space. We waited for less than 10 minutes, although it seemed longer than that. When the poem was ready, Abigail read it out to us. It was beautiful.

Small moments like this make so many memories. I don't know if I would replay and record the events of that Saturday, as many times as I did. I don't know if I'd remember the laughter and the food, the Clocktower and our consideration of going into Lannie's Cabaret. I don't know if I'd feel like love was in the air, that evening, had we not come across this beautiful, non-commercial gesture offered on the streets of Downtown Denver.  Thank you Abigail, for adding this spark to that wonderful evening and making it unforgettable!